Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Playing With Paint...

Is one of my favourite mediums, and as an Art teacher I get to play regularly!! For This Thurs I have chosen to share two different paintings I did a while ago. The first is a watercolour of some flowers using colour wash techniques for the background and then the flowers in detail on top.
Details of the flowers:

This second painting is done in fabric paint, layering it quite thickly and painting to show texture and mark making techniques.


Anonymous said...

Your artwork is always so beautiful! I took a watercolor class one time and loved it. Mine was not as nice as your creation, though.

Barbara Hagerty said...

These are lovely! Flowers and animals are two of my favorite subjects, and you have painted them brilliantly!

Barbara Hagerty said...

Me again....I meant to say "flowers and BIRDS", but I love animals, too! LOL!

karen said...

Oh wow!!! I must include painting in your next kit.

They're lovely Sally.

ButterCup said...

Hi Sally,
Thanks for visiting my blog. Please come back again.
Nice art! Love the flowers. :)

Chrissy D said...

Gorgeous paintings!